SanVa Hostel is a hot filming ground for award winning movies
such as 《媽閣是座城A City called Macau》(2019), 《Hotel Império 帝皇酒店》(Macau 2018), 《 巨輪 II Brother's Keeper II》(2016), 《 巨輪 I Brother's Keeper I》(2013), 《The Thieves 盜賊同盟》(Korea 2012),《Aazaan》(India 2011), 《Isabella 伊莎貝拉 》(Hong Kong 2006), 《Butterfly 蝴蝶》(Hong Kong 2004),《2046》(Hong Kong 2004), 《Eros - The Hand 愛神 - 手》(China 2004), , 《Bad Boy特攻》(Hong Kong 2001).

SanVa Hostel is featured in popular international guide books and recommended by innumerous travelers from all around the world in travel blogs and websites.

SanVa Hostel is a shooting ground for popular Music TV
such as "Someone in Macao" by Thailand pop singer Bie,《平川密碼》內的主打歌《想著你》, 源自澳門的香港音樂人小肥的 Music Video. SanVa Hostel is also a shooting site for prestigious brands such as Prada, Bottega Veneta, Vogue, Joy & Peace.